A New World Awaits
My friends, we are living in dangerously distorted times, where hatred, harm, and
unbridled cruelty are being met with cackling laughter. In these dark times, it is imperative
that we shine our lights brightly, so that we don’t lose our way and get tangled in the
macabre dance swirling around us.
We are waking up to a reality where meanness, destruction, and cut-throat strategizing are
being misconstrued as values, while compassion, understanding, and caring are ridiculed
and labeled as weakness. This twisting of truth tells us that we have entered deep into the
intoxicating thrall of the Cannibal Giant’s dance, where the balms being sought are the very
things that will fuel our extinction – blind obedience, unchecked consumption, and virtual-
reality escapism.
There are many who are feeling victimized by the events of this time, and rightly so, it is a
time of petty gamesmanship, where the illusion of winning is worth any cost, even the
bloodied flesh of our fellow human beings. There are some who feel mistakenly insulated
from these harms, based on their allegiance or skin tone. What these lost souls have failed
to recognize, in this time of frenzied feeding, is that this path will inevitably consume the
lives of all most dear – no matter who they are - for none are safe in a world where so many
are at risk.
People everywhere are asking “how did we get here”? Surely it was them, those people
over there that caused it. They are the ones to blame. And the people over there turn and
point their fingers right back at us, until eventually we are all rightfully implicated.
This is a time of breaking down and cracking open, another painful opportunity for
expanding the awareness of our collective potential. It is also a time of accelerated
accountability for human beings, not just one or some, but for all, because we are all subject
to suffering the folly of foolish men if we fail to bring their reckless fantasies to ground.
Never has it been so glaringly clear that we are the ones that we have been waiting for and
this is the very moment when we must show up.
From our earliest recorded histories, we have been provided evidence that we hold the
power to shape our individual and collective futures. This evidence can be seen across all
racial, ethnic, and faith-based populations, throughout time. Since the beginning, we have
mystified the powers of creation and deified those who harnessed them. For much of
human history, the power of creation was accredited to some distant parental figure with
omnipresent awareness who watched over us like children. Over time, different
populations began to develop new understandings of the power of creation and our role in
shaping its impact on our shared physical reality. Many Indigenous populations have
maintained deep awareness of this power, some refer to that knowledge as shamanic;
others call it miraculous. Today, most refer to it in terms of manifestation and the laws of
attraction. Regardless of what we call it, the practice itself is an aspect of engaged creation
and we’ve been employing it since we arrived on the planet, largely unconsciously.
As early as the 2 nd century BCE there have been mystics and philosophers who have been
credited with carrying this information forward. Gonikaputra also known as Patanjali is
one of the earliest teachers of this capacity. Patanjali, the compiler of the Yoga Sutras,
issued the the following quote illuminating for us the dormant forces, faculties, and talents
that we each possess:
“When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all of your
thoughts break their bonds. Your mind transcends limitations; your consciousness
expands in every direction; and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world.
Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a
greater person than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”
Patanjali wasn’t alone in his views of our potential. He was joined by an anonymous 2nd
century Hellenic philosopher, writing under the pen name Hermes Trismegistus, who
wrote about the power of ‘like attracting like,’ warning us early on about the power of
attraction. In the late 19 th century, Ernest Holmes (a Maine resident) outlined the way
thoughts transform into reality based on a universal law of mirroring. His book “Science of
Mind,” remains in print today. Holmes was followed by many others, such as Russian
mystic Helena Blavatsky, American philosopher Prentice Mulford, and William Walker
Atkinson, who authored the audaciously titled book “Thinking Vibration or the Law of
Attraction in the Thought World” (1907). Napoleon Hill then carried these concepts to a
new generation of learners when he wrote the “Law of Successes” in 1928. Then, in the
early 21 st century two new books ushered in a wave that would become a tsunami. “Ask
and It is Given,” by Jerry and Esther Hicks and “The Power of Intention” by Dr. Wayne Dyer,
both books became global sensations.
When these books were released in 2004, the global consciousness was finally ready to
receive them, everyone began creating their vision boards and the popular manifestation
movement began. Yet, even after millennia of engagement with these laws, we have still
somehow failed to understand the assignment or reach our potential.
In recent years, an interesting theory has begun to take hold. It is a story that has been
repeated in countless media posts around the world. It suggests that some form of literary
clairvoyance is being revealed that explains where we are all heading. Examples of this can
be found in the parallels being drawn between our current reality and the plots of books
such as Orson Wells “1984,” Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaids Tale,” and Octavia Butler’s
“Parable of the Sower.” We have even seen evidence to suggest that certain popular satirical
animated television shows possess the ability to foretell the details of future events. So,
what does it all mean? Are these books and television programs really predicting the
future? In my humble opinion, they are not.
My belief is that we have been seeing it all wrong. Instead of believing that these writers
and producers are predicting the future, what if we assumed that they had created it?
Before you shake your head and run away, hear me out.
We know from our decades of experience with the laws of attraction that focused attention
on an image or story, combined with strong investment in the emotions that those images
or stories elicit, when sustained over time, can transform those thoughts and images into
form. So, why should we be thrown by the idea that some of our most gripping literary
works, which have been read and discussed by millions, across generations, might be
manifesting in our world? Why are we outraged that the recurring storyline from countless
violent films is playing out on our local streets? Why are we surprised that the same
technological coup that we have read about in countless sci-fi novels is now taking place
before our eyes? We shouldn’t be.
I once heard Frances Moore Lappé ask the question “why are we collectively creating a
world that none of us would choose individually.” I think this is a critically important
question, one that assumes that we have the power to purposely create the world in which
we live. If we begin from that premise and accept the possibility that we are in fact creating
the reality that we are living in, then we can certainly open ourselves to the prospect that
we can use those same creative powers to change our current course.
The question then becomes how do we marshal the powers of creation to shift our
trajectory toward a more loving and just world? We do so by using the same manifestation
skills that we have been developing over the last two decades, but we use them consciously
and focus them collectively.
There are countless books and videos available on the process of manifestation and co-
creation. However, most of them are focused on the manifestation of material items and the
creation of desired personal experiences. These individualized and self-gratifying pursuits
appear as childish things in the face of our current planetary crisis. The circumstances of
this time are begging us to grow-up spiritually and begin behaving responsibly. The hour is
demanding that our species move away from the distraction of our own self-interest and
turn our attention back toward a collective view, where we can honestly contemplate the
interests of all living beings and the living Earth herself. What we most need is a
collectively focused vision that recognizes, honors, and imagines a shared humanity, varied
expressions of mutual care, and an abiding cross-species respect.
Together, we must conjure images of the world that we most want to inhabit, so that we
can hold those pictures aloft and breathe life into them. We must form groups, gather, and
begin to imagine as one – asking, what does it look like to live in harmony with other
human beings and the rest of the living world; how do we view one another in that world,
how do we speak to and care for one another? How does it feel to live in a world where
dignity, belonging, and safety are gifts that are consciously given to all? Once these images
have been fleshed out, they must be collectively held, felt, and believed at a scale sufficient
to accelerate the movement of matter across time.
Margaret Mead once assured us that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals has
always been responsible for changing the world. Though it may be true that small groups of
people have catalyzed historic movements, this belief will not serve us today. What this
moment requires is anything but small.
This is a calling forth of all heart-centered beings on this planet, it is a reaching-out across
illusory divides, it is the clasping of hands in shared spaces. It is an invitation to sit eye-to-
eye, heart-to-heart, and breath-to-breath, to assist in the birthing of the higher
consciousness that is waiting to be born. We must all assist in this collective birthing of a
deepened humanity, while we simultaneously protect this new life from the hypocrisy of
the technocratic horde that is attempting to abort it in the womb. This is deeply meaningful
work that requires both experienced hands and new ideas.
Our ancestral work has led us to this time, where our grandmother’s grandmothers are
handing us the threads of their deconstructed yokes, to be woven into a new garment
suitable for the world that is emerging. As we weave, we must listen for the voices of the
new souls entering this plane. They carry the vibratory pattern that will hold this new
awareness in place. We must also bow down in honor to the generations of elders who have
watched the passing of an age and have willingly shared the wisdom gained from all that
they have seen. Then, we must stand up and walk toward the world that is being born. This
world cannot arrive on its own. It only arrives when we transform ourselves into the
people capable of living there. We can become those people.
I invite you to join me, to help me uplift the dignity of every human being, and to stand in a
protective embrace with our sacred Mother Earth. Together, let us allow the age of
machines to fall away unnoticed, while we turn our eyes on the beauty and magic that
exists on this beautiful planet. Stand with me and breathe this new consciousness into
being, so that we may one day soon walk into it together.