
Dancing with the Cannibal Giant; Healing Our Collective Trauma and Reconnecting with Our Spiritual Source. 

Description: This one-day workshop will take participants on a journey into Native American mythology and cosmology, as a means of healing our collective wounds and reconnecting with spiritual source. We have all been impacted by histories of violence. The oppressed, the oppressor, and the witness alike bear the wounds of our collective past. Together, we will look at the psychic and spiritual wounds that we all share and learn how we can untangle their hold on our hearts and minds. Participants will be asked to look at the history that led to this traumatization and explore how it continues to impact their lives. We will also learn how to hold sacred space for one another while our trauma is present. In this process, we will learn that there is a safe space for us to occupy together, whole and intact. Then, we can begin the process of healing our divisions, so that we can go back and claim a new future for all living beings. 

*Also available in an intensive two-and-a-half-day format.   

Healing Our Divisions and Biases and Unifying Our Movements 

Description: This one-day workshop provides participants with an opportunity to look at the divisions and biases, including hidden biases, that have been built into our societies and ideologies. We will look at the divisions created by our shared history, the biases informed by that history, and the ways that they prevent us from joining our movements. We will learn how to find interest convergence points that enable us to work with one another across these divisions, and how to manage the intersectionality of the emerging movement of movements.   

Decolonizing Our Hearts and Minds 

Description: This one-day workshop offers a glimpse into the work required to decolonize our hearts and minds. Participants will gain an understanding of how colonization has impacted our thinking and the ways that we engage one another and the world around us. We will look at the illusion of separation; use of language; our relationship to the sources of our survival; ritual and ceremony; economy and ecology, and; states of dependence.  

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